Special Programme for Life Transformation

Permission to Break Free

Find a way to give yourself the permission to break free and live your extraordinary life

Do you feel that you are stuck in an unhappy place in your life?
Do you feel that you have tried different programmes, methods and techniques and nothing works? That you gave it a go but found that you had to make too many sacrifices or that there were too many obstacles on your path, so you gave up?
Or perhaps you managed to make changes and for a while things were going well, but then it all seemed to go into reverse and you found yourself back where you started?
Instead of going around the same circle and feeling that you are constantly failing, you need to rewrite the life script that is undermining your ability to make positive change. You need to make it work for you, not against you. You need to learn a new way of nurturing your new script so you will be able to live the life that you always wanted.
The life script of successful and happy people opens up pathways for them to stroll towards success.
Work with me to use your strengths and my positive psychology techniques, and I can help you find your unique formula for happiness, so you can have the life you always wanted. Give yourself the Permission to Break Free.


About the programme

‘Permission to Break Free’ is a 6 module programme which can be self-guided or personalised. The self-guided programme has steps during each module that will guide you through the topic and give instructions on the tasks and exercises you need to do. You work on your own through the modules, and after finishing each module you will have a session with me. This programme expects you to be self-motivated and to work through the tasks and exercises on your own.
There is also a personalised version of the programme which has intensive support. When you struggle I will be encouraging you; when you want to give up I won’t let you; when you feel that nobody cares I will still be there; when you feel like nobody understands you I will be there to do everything in order to understand. I will motivate, encourage, and even challenge you if it is needed.
With the personalised approach, after each module you complete you will have a focused 1-1 session with me, where we will reflect and then explore your next steps. Each module will get your one step closer to your core life script – peeling back one layer at a time. You can then re-write your new life script and slowly put the layers back together, but this time it will support and work for you. At the end of the programme you will have a detailed plan with specific steps to move your forwards in life. This programme will set you on a journey of transformation and life change. This will take time, 6 months to a year.

What does it include

Module 1 – Start outlining what do you want? Dream big, you only have one life. Examining the future, present and past

Module 2 – Looking at a life scripts – identifying your thought and feelings about yourself and others; finding blocks; challenging negative thoughts and feelings

Module 3 – Find nurturing and critical statements unique to yourself that will help you free yourself

Module 4 – We all have strengths and talents, so what are yours and how will they help you to break free?

Module 5 – Looking at the cycle of change – where are you in the process of change? What do you need to move forward?

Module 6 – Create your unique happiness formula so you can give yourself permission to break free and live your life in the way you always wanted and off you go!


How much does it cost?

Self Guided Programme: £600

Personalised 6 Months Programme: £3,000


Things that might stand in your way

I don’t have the time – this programme asks that you invest a small amount of focused time to do your tasks and exercises. This can be as little as 10 mins per day. If you can’t find this time, unfortunately the programme will not work for you. If you can learn to have 10 mins a day for yourself, for the rest of your life, then this programme is definitely for you.

I can’t afford it

Money is always a touchy subject. The majority of people could say ‘I don’t have the funds so I can’t do it’. But thinking more deeply about this statement, what is true is that we all have some money, and we all make decisions about what it should be spent on, according to our priorities. I cannot know about your personal circumstances but my suggestion is that you look at these priorities and see if there are any changes you can make. There may not be, but if there is my question for you is whether you are willing to invest in yourself – for 3 to 6 months only – and invest in your happiness. Your most valuable asset is, after all, you.

I don’t have anyone to support me

This is where group of like-minded people and myself come in. Our closed Facebook group is there to support you, to talk, to listen and to share. Additionally, you can always email me to book a session when you need it, even if it’s not scheduled time. I am here to support you; I am not going anywhere, even if you try to push me away. I will commit to you for those 3-6 months. It is up to you how much or how little you use the support.

It’s not right time for me, I have so many other things to do

The truth is that there will never be a moment that is, unambiguously, the right time. Life is constant change and if you wait you may find that, in retrospect, you have missed a time that would have worked for you. The idea behind this programme is that you make changes that become part of your daily life, not that it is something you do and then it’s over.

I don’t like sharing; I want to do it on my own.

This programme is combination of self-help , mentoring from me and support from others. You can choose how you work according to your needs and preferences We have free webinars where you can find useful techniques and work through them on your own. My personal experience is that being part of a community of like-minded people can be tremendously helpful but it really will be your choice. Of course, you can look on the internet for free advice and you may think ‘OK, I get this, it’s not complicated. I can do this by myself. I don’t need to spend the money and join a group’. That is a choice, of course, but what the programme does is something that is very difficult to do for yourself: it can challenge you, it can point out to you your ‘blind spots’ (that we all have) and help you recognise behaviours that are difficult to admit to or even see. We all like to think of ourselves as being self-aware but nobody has all the answers. For most of us, our own behaviour remains mysterious and the only way to move forward is to get shared insights from others.

So, yes, asking for help is hard, opening up to others is hard. We understand that and that is why we are here, if you want us. We will not force you, you need to want this. If you do then this is a programme for you.

30 Mile Radius of Wokingham

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